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To take an ordinary motif and expect the extraordinary spurs me on. With Nightlines, I simplified my elements to sequences of verticals, emphasizing the relationship of one color to another, one fluid or jagged edge to another. Using individual panels as modules in my Array/Bar Code series, I’m introducing another level of complexity with both perpendiculars, which create squares, and combined panels, which form post-painting relationships. For some time, I’ve worked with opposing sensations of extension and enclosure, and the process for this series allows for a way of exploring release and containment through construction. After painting each discrete panel, I consider possibilities and settle on how to arrange them so that each riffs off others, but the visual effect doesn’t lock things into place. Each panel partakes of a similar palette with unique colors adding variation and vibrant notes, which encourages the eye to reconfigure the arrangement of patterns and hues. In the end, I am on the outside looking in. These stripes could be entrances to parallel universes. Just the other side of nowhere. The unknown.